Bradford W G is very beautiful town and due to its prime location, natural beauty and peaceful environment I moved to this town in 2012.  BWG grew very fast in last 6 years. Due to its rapid growth in the housing sector, population influx and other economic development activities, there is lot of pressure on municipal management resources. I have observed that residents of BWG are facing many below mentioned issues, which are not addressed properly by municipality.

  1. Cleaning/weeds along the roads and municipal properties.
  2. Road conditions and safety.
  3. Traffic issues.
  4. Garbage bag limits.
  5. Yard waste collection delay.
  6. Higher taxes.
  7. Parking space issue for commuters.
  8. Regulating the new constructions.
  9. Improving existent parks & creating new recreational facilities.

To address these issues Bradford WG needs honest, dedicated and visionary leadership to make it even better, safer and beautiful town. I am confident that with your support and cooperation I will be elected as a Councillor ward 1 and will be your voice in the council.

Visiting you and your Family!

From September 6, 2022 I am launching door to door campaign along with my team to meet all the residents of Ward 1 to introduce myself and my political agenda. Please feel free to share your thoughts and raise your concerns as BWG residents.

Do you need a lawn sign? Contact Me